NAMBA International is a non-profit association of radio-controlled model boaters clubs comprised of men, women, boys and girls. It provides a governing body of directors who supervise the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the organization. NAMBA also provides its members with comprehensive insurance coverage to protect against unforeseen accidents.
A President, Vice President, and a number of District Directors are elected by the members. There are also chairmen for the sub-divisions of Electric, Offshore, Sport Hydro, Outboard, Unlimited Hydro and Combat. During 1969-1970, a group of West Coast boaters saw the need for a new, national R/C boat association. Working in conjunction with WAM the West Coast boaters assembled a committee.
This group eventually became the North American Model Boat Association (NAMBA). In 1974, NAMBA expanded beyond the bounds of North America to include CANADA, and became NAMBA International. Our history, since 1974, is one of tremendous growth for NAMBA...from West Coast to National to International interest and participation. We eagerly anticipate equal growth in the coming years. We know that with model boating and with NAMBA, THE BEST IS YET TO COME!